April 17, 2019

Week 29

We had a wonderful, busy and exciting week.

We had a special presentation on Monday. Frisbee Rob came and him and his sponsors donated 30 special Frisbees for us to use at school. He also challenged us to put away digital screens (ex: cellphones, TVs, iPads), when you are eating with your family and friends, one hour before bed and at all times in the bedroom.

In Science, we started planning our moving devices. First, we made a rubric to understand what our design needed. We determined what a 2 Needs Tweaking, 3 Standard and 4 A-class designs. Based on the criteria for our design we sketched our moving device, next we labeled the different materials we will needs for the different parts, and we wrote a description about how the device is powered and how the different parts move. 

We have read Chapter 2 in the book Ticket to Curlew. In this chapter we learned about that word “deed”. A dead is a contract for ownerships for something, such land. 

We had our 2nd Mad Minute this week! We recorded our progress. We will continue working our practicing and trying to beat our previous record. This will help us get better at our mental math. 
In Math, we have been doing arrays. We use arrays to group objects in rows and columns. We created arrays using beans by grouping them in rows and columns, then created repeated addition sentences and then turned our repeated addition sentences into multiplication sentences. We tried to make as many different arrays with the beans and drew them in our math booklets.  

How to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrvGXGYj_7o

Next week we will be starting to learn different multiplication strategies. We are starting with the Area Model. Please take the time to practice the the strategy. There are practice questions as well as the solutions below.

How to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdYV6i-kXcA

Practice Questions: 



7x873=6 111

Given that next week is shorter than usual, we will not be having daily 5, and there will be no spelling pattern to practice. 


  • Continue collecting materials for building our complex machine cars. You can bring: wooden sticks, bottle caps, straws, duct tape, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, sting, CDs, tape, plastic bottles, rubber bands, balloons, hot glue sticks, pipe cleaner and springs. 
  • There is no school on Monday, April 22nd next week.
  • Please return your library books on Tuesday, April 23rd 
  • During the week of April 23rd - April 26, the theme for the school will be"Keeping our School Green and Clean."  Panorama Hills School will be partaking in the following:
Tuesday, April 23
Beautiful Bathrooms
- Only use one paper towel after washing your hands
- Keep the bathrooms clean

Wednesday, April 24

Litterless Snack
- Use reusable packaging, less waste and a water bottle  
- Bring garbage home however, composting is available in the classroom

Thursday, April 25

Fabulous Classroom
- Pick up any toys, game pieces, paper etc. used during green tubs and centres
- Pick up after yourself (E.g., backpacks, jackets, hats, mittens, shoes, etc.)

Friday, April 26

Classy Classrooms
- Tidy up and organize your classroom before the weekend

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