We had a fabulous, wonderful and warm week!
In Math, we learned how to use the Area Model strategy. First you write down the equation. Then you draw a rectangle and divide into how place values your bigger number has. Next you write the 1 digit number on the length side. Then you decompose (break up) the 2 or 3 digit into ones, tens and/or hundreds on the width side. To find the area of each section you need to multiply the length and width. After you have found the areas of each section you will need to add them all to together to find the total area and the final answer to your equation.
Next week we will be learning about the Distributive Property. Please practice creating your own math questions and finding the solutions.
We have been continuing to read Ticket to Curlew. In Chapter 3 Sam went on a walk and found a buffalo skull which he brought it home. His dad said it was a good find. He kept finding more buffalo skulls and began to lay them around the boundary of their house outline.
Passion Projects |
During Ethan's Passion Project he talked about Christmas and how it was created. For example, no one made Christmas but it is a celebration for Christians and Catholics of Jesus' birth.
Vacation Presentation
In Alex's presentation he shared some facts about his trip to Palm Springs. He shared what he did while was down in Palm Springs.
Our spelling pattern next week:
Focus: Most words ending in f/fe change f/fe to v and add es to make plurals (calf - calves).
A few words ending in f just add s. (chief - chiefs)
Words ending in o ad s or es. (buffalo – buffaloes).
Irregular plurals change their spelling or stay the same (bison)
Examples include:
tooth ---> teeth
mouse ---> mice
woman ---> women
knife ---> knives
leaf ---> leaves
half ---> halves
loaf ---> loaves
life ---> lives
calf ---> calves
moose ---> moose
sheep ---> sheep
ox ---> oxen
yourself ---> yourselves
goose ---> geese
chief ---> chiefs
buffalo ---> buffaloes
handkerchiefs ---> handkerchiefs
scarf ---> scarves
hoof ---> hooves
bison ---> bison
bison ---> bison
- Continue collecting materials for building our complex machine cars. Look at your materials list to determine what you will need for building.
- Please return your library books on Tuesday.
- Frisbee Rob's Challenge begins next Monday, April 29th until Friday, May 3rd. Students are challenged to do 1, 2 or all 3 of the challenges below. Instead students can participate in activities, such as going outside and being active (play hockey, playing catch, play frisbee, go on a bike ride, go the park), reading, doing homework, creating a time limit on technology, swimming, play a board game, or arts and crafts.
- No screens in bedroom
- No screens at dinner
- No screens 1 hour before bed
- Continue practicing your basic math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be having our mad minutes every Thursday.