October 4, 2018

Week 5

We have been preparing our for our upcoming assembly on Friday, October 12th. We have been working hard on planning empathy skits and will start filming next week. Please practice the song "Walk a Mile" which we will be singing for our assembly.

In math, we have been rounding to the nearest 10 with numbers from 0-100 and 100-1000. We will eventually work with numbers from 1000-10000. We also learned about the difference between numbers, numerals and digits. Please see the video below.

In science, we researched our waste wonders and worked on collaboratively posting them on Google slides.

In social studies, we continued learning about Alberta. We used our Alberta video notes to describe what we noticed on the flag of Alberta. 

This week we had children's author, Cathy Beveridge visit our classroom and teach us about "The S's of Strong Writing". As writers it is important to help the reader create a picture in their and have strong feelings when they are reading our writing. We might ask ourselves "Is my writing strong?", "Does it make a picture in my head?", "What does it make me feel?"

The S’s of Strong Writing 
Sensory words
Strong Verbs
Show vs. Tell (proof)

  1. A sample of student's strong sentences.
    Another sample of student's strong sentences.
This week we continued sharing our personal artifacts. We continued to work on our presentation and audience skills. 

Next Week's Spelling Pattern:Soft g and soft c. 
The letter g has a hard sound, as in 'gift' and a soft sound, as in 'strange'.

The letter c has a hard sounds, as in 'cactus' and a soft sound, as in 'celery'. 

Often the c and g makes a soft sound when followed by 'e', 'i' or 'y'. 

Practice words will be:

edge, gentle, baggage, gerbil, energy, stage, strange

circle, center, cement, price, decide, celery, force

Weekly Reminders:

Grade 4 Assembly - On Friday, October 12th at 10:00am the grade fours will be presenting in an assembly about empathy for the school. Parents are invited to come and watch! 

Thanksgiving Long Weekend - There will be no school for students on Friday, October 5th and Monday, October 8th.

The Military Museum - On Tuesday, October 9th The Military Museum will be sharing their historic artifacts in the STEM Room with our class. We will continue to share our artifacts next week.

Winter Weather Clothes - Please remember to have children bring snow pants and boots during the colder, wet season. The field can get very wet as snow melts. Extra socks in their backpack would be great as well. 

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