September 21, 2018

Week 3

This week we continued to learn about "perspective". To help our understanding, we used materials from our new tinker cart to create patterns or pictures. Each of our classmates used the exact same materials. It was interesting to see how we each of us had a different perspective. All our pictures were very different! 
In math, we reviewed place value using our place value mats and base ten blocks. We also began to learn how to tell time. 

In science, we continued learning about waste. After discussing our household management systems with our groups, we compared and rated our waste management systems on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being an excellent waste management system. 

In social studies we began discovering all the different landforms that we have in Alberta. We watched Travel Alberta videos to observe and write notes about Alberta various landforms.  

We worked hard on our adjective art project this week, which is displayed outside our classroom! Our Adjective Art was inspired by the book “Why I am me?” by Paige Britt. This beautiful book celebrates our diversity and invites us to ask ourselves the questions: What makes you, you? and What makes me, me? 

Spelling Patterns

Next week we will continue to practice long vowel spelling patterns. Long vowels are vowels that say their own name. Each vowel has several ways to spell the sound.  We will focus on the following patterns:

Long a - ai, ay, ei, a-e (a-consonant-silent e)
Long e - ee, ea, ey, ie, e-e (e-consonant-silent e)
Long i - igh, ie, y, i-e (i-consonant-silent e)
Long o - oe, oa, ow, o-e (o-consonant-silent e)
Long u - ue, ew, u-e (u-consonant-silent e)

Below are some of the words from our word list, which we will be using to practice the long vowel spelling patterns: 

safely, costume, idea, opened, cubes, tight, these

Weekly Reminders for Sept 24-28:

Library Books - Our library time is Tuesday morning. If your child wants to renew or return a book they should bring it back on Tuesday.

Toonies for Terry  - Children are asked to donate a toonie to our fundraiser, if possible! Our Terry Fox run fundraiser will be on September 27th at 1:30pm. We will provide more information about this closer to the date. 

Headphones - Please bring you headphones to class. We will be using them during Daily 5: Listen to Reading on Thursday.

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